While the Board of Directors handle the administrative decisions and operations, we need a large team of volunteer coordinators and other staff who help round out the team in specialized areas, and keep operations and event running smoothly. This is a list of all of the positions, any openings, who currently holds positions and how to contact them.
Think you’ll be perfect for one of these positions? If you are interested in filling a vacant position, please reach out to the Board of Directors at Board@ThresholdLA.org or fill out the volunteer form. Remember that these positions can mean a lot of work, but your dedication can be VERY rewarding.

Bootblack Coordinator

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IMPERATRIX Nox (Pronouns she/her)
Bootblack coordinator is in charge of finding experienced and qualified bootblacks to offer their services at events in an official capacity, in which they can receive tips. They manage setting a shift schedule for bootblacks. Bootblacks@ThresholdLA.org

Calendar Coordinator

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Calendar coordinator manages the public-facing event calendar on the website and in the clubhouse, making sure events and their descriptions are up to date. They also maintain the internal staff calendar. Calendar@ThresholdLA.org

Design Coordinator

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Design coordinator is the lead of graphic arts aspects of the club: signs posted around the clubhouse, posters for events, social media graphics, and the like. Could also include things like website appearance, logos, fonts, symbols, and the like. Design@ThresholdLA.org

DEI Coordinator

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Hermes (Pronouns they/them)
DEI coordinator facilitates the discussions and meetings of the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) team, who then sends ideas to the board to make Threshold an inclusive, diverse, equitable, and accessible space! DEI@ThresholdLA.org

Doorkeeper Coordinator

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Lainee (Pronouns she/her)
Doorkeeper coordinator is in charge of finding doorkeepers, training them, and creating shift schedules for them. Door@ThresholdLA.org

Dungeon Monitor Coordinator

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Po3ear (Pronouns he/him)
Dungeon Monitor coordinator is in charge of finding and vetting DMs, training them, and creating shift schedules for them. DungeonMaster@ThresholdLA.org

Education Coordinator

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Vixen (Pronouns she/her)
Education coordinator finds instructors for teaching classes at Threshold and working on scheduling such classes, especially those associated with similarly-themed parties. Education@ThresholdLA.org

Facilities Coordinator

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Miko (Pronouns they/them)
Facilities coordinator is in charge of managing physical aspects of the club, such as furniture maintenance, plumbing, electrical, flooring, and cleanliness. Generally, this coordinator runs upkeep. By “managing” it is not necessary to know how to fix everything, but should be able to take stock of things that need fixing and outsource them accordingly. Facilities@ThresholdLA.org

First Aid/CPR Coordinator

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Viking (Pronouns he/him)
First Aid/CPR coordinator runs first aid trainings for volunteers, primarily dungeon monitors, and checks and maintains first aid equipment throughout the clubhouse. FirstAid@ThresholdLA.org

IT Coordinator

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Silver Tongue (Pronouns he/him)
IT coordinator is in charge of the integration of back-end systems for Threshold. IT@ThresholdLA.org


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Juan (Pronouns he/him)
Librarian manages the library of kink books we maintain, upholding kink history for posterity. Library@ThresholdLA.org

Member Liaison

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Member liaison helps draft important internal announcements to members for sharing across all member platforms. This includes election notices, bylaw awareness descriptions, polls, etc. MemberLiaison@ThresholdLA.org

Membership Coordinator

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Mr.Mike (Pronouns he/him)
Membership coordinator manages the member database, maintaining members’ secure and private identifying information as well as membership names and numbers. They lead orientations to welcome new members. membership@thresholdLA.org

Newsletter Editor

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Manage and oversee the content produced for publications or websites. This includes reviewing all content produced, such as articles and photographs, developing strategies and style guidelines, and representing the brand at social events throughout the year. Submissions@ThresholdLA.org

Outreach Liaison

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Outreach liaison works on fostering partnerships with other organizations in the kink world and beyond. They would work with the education, party host, and vendor coordinators in lots of cases. Outreach@ThresholdLA.org

Party Host Coordinator

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Party host coordinator manages the party hosts for all of the parties of Threshold, including scheduling parties, gathering requests for new party themes from the community, and training new party hosts. HostCoordinator@ThresholdLA.org

Publicity Coordinator

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Publicity coordinator works in conjunction with the board and social media managers to create and implement promotional content. This entails drafting event notifications and posting them regularly as well as designing brochures, flyers, and the like. Publicity@ThresholdLA.org

Restorative Justice Coordinator

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Sergeant at Arms

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LADY Solaris (Pronouns she/her)
Sergeant at arms enforces Robert’s Rules of Order at all monthly Meetings of Members to ensure a smooth flow of proceedings while granting members space to voice their thoughts.

Vendor Coordinator

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Vixen (Pronouns she/her)
Vendor coordinator is in charge of reaching out to vendors for selling at certain events, matching communities to the makers of their favorite toys and gear. Vendors@ThresholdLA.org

Volunteer Coordinator

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Cliff Jump (Pronouns he/him)
Volunteer coordinator is mainly responsible for recruiting and managing volunteers for our organization. In addition, they delegate responsibilities to volunteers and are responsible for training selected people for their future position, depending on the position. Volunteers@ThresholdLA.org


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Silver Tongue (Pronouns he/him)
Webmaster manages web pages, sites and applications. They coordinate the design, development, deployment and maintenance of a company’s online presence. They are responsible for web developers and graphic artists that work in their department. They oversee all aspects of creating a website. Webmaster@ThresholdLA.org

Accessibility Coordinator

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Rock (Pronouns they/them)

Discord Admin

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Little Miss Liv (Pronouns she/her)
The Discord Administrator is responsible for the overall management of the Threshold Discord server including functioning as the lead moderator, managing discord back-end services such as bots or other integrations and lead member engagement initiatives. Discord@ThresholdLA.org

Communications Coordinator

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Eila (Pronouns she/her)
Oversees Threshold’s communication to members and the general public. Coordinates Threshold’s official messaging through social media, newsletter, calendar, design, publicity and community outreach. Communications@ThresholdLA.org