Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Threshold?
A: Threshold is a private, non-profit membership organization of adults 18 or older with a common interest in BDSM. We are entirely run and operated by volunteers, from the Dungeon Monitors and Door Staff to the Board of Directors the Membership elects each year.
Q: Where is the club located?
A: Threshold is located at 11300 Hartland St in North Hollywood. The entrance to the club is -not- at the ‘front’ of the building; it is along the side of the building that runs parallel & becomes Elmer Ave. Specifically, the large black door painted with a large T that is opposite the Hartland Street cul-de-sac.
Q: How do I join membership / When are orientations?
A: To join Threshold Membership, you must first attend an orientation. We hold 4 free orientations each month (three in person and one virtually). The in-person scheduled times are at 5 PM the 1st Sunday & 3rd Saturday at the clubhouse, during the food-focused munch; check the calendar for the date of the online orientation.
Once you attend an orientation, you may join that day, or within 90 days with verification, by paying your dues & turning in a physical or digital form.
Q:How do I renew?
A: You may renew in person or via the digital form available here as long as your membership has not been expired for 2 years; if so, you would need to attend an orientation before you may renew. You must have your membership card or digital documentation with your scene name, membership number, and expiration date to renew.
Q: How do I get my membership card?
A: You may pick up your membership card at any threshold event. We will -not- mail membership cards.
Q: Why should I volunteer?
A: Everything that happens at Threshold is through the efforts of our volunteers; we would not be a living, thriving group that we are if members did not volunteer to make things work. Your participation really makes a difference. It is one of the very best ways to meet people and make friends while also earning Party Passes that grant you or whoever you give them to free entrance to Parties and Classes!
Q: How do I volunteer?
A: You may volunteer by emailing us at
Q: Is there a dress code?
A: No, none of our events have a dress code. While some events have suggested themes or attire, you’re free to wear whatever you wish for comfort or energy you wish to project.
Q: What are the rules?
A: You can read our comprehensive rules for our physical space on our website here. We also go over them during Orientations, and they are posted around the clubhouse.